At Saedi we make brand work better for you, your community and the planet. 

What we love most is to develop meaningful, strategically led brands for truly good people. Brands that resonate deeply with us personally and professionally, with people we enjoy collaborating with. We champion insight, beauty and relevance. In all the work we do, we aim to create brands that play a vital role in building a better, more sustainable future for all of us.

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We begin by going on a mutual journey of discovery, asking intelligent questions to reveal which areas we most need to focus on to make your brand shine brightly in a lasting, sustainable manner.

Sometimes what follows centres purely on getting the strategy right - illuminating where to go and how best to get there. Other times it's about taking this strategic platform and applying it to deliver break through creative that achieves inspiring end results. At all times it's about recognising, respecting and nurturing internal talent so that you, your team and your brand all flourish.

So not only do we know brand backwards - we also understand our clients inside out and how we can help make a better world together.

Our perspective on branding

Every breath you take, every touchpoint you create, they’ll be watching…

Branding isn’t one specific thing about you but the ‘everythingness’ about you. Based on your beliefs, it is embedded in all that you say and do. It affects the internal workings and culture of your organisation and how you project yourself out into the world. Your brand is not what you say about you, but what others say about you

People remember you by how you make them feel. So in short branding is a big deal.

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Consciously doing the right thing

At Saedi we are interested in the concept of Conscious Branding - and no, this is not peace, love and mung beans — this is serious stuff that affects the ongoing health of every brand.

Conscious branding imbues renewable and regenerative principles into the very essence of what a brand is to ensure a company is actively doing its part to create a better, healthier world for people, nature and business.

Future-proof your brand

We believe brands have an inherent responsibility to function ethically and hold themselves ac- countable in the proactive pursuit of better practices and behaviours that will ensure the future wellbeing of themselves, the communities they serve and the planet itself.

This goes far beyond feeling good - the truth is if you are not practicing conscious branding and committing to regenerative practices then your brand does not have a future. It sounds dramatic and it is, but it’s also a reality.

In a nutshell we are committed to helping brands and companies find pathways and strategies that will help them accomplish conscious branding.

The two of us

Saedi is Vic and Hels. Two of the nicest, smartest, most experienced brand people you’ll find anywhere. And that’s not just us saying this – it’s the guy who put this stuff into words for us!

Helen Milner

Hels’ best traits — intuitively understanding what is needed in an empathetic manner, developing strategy and her ability to bring it to life creatively.

Victoria Smith

Vic’s best traits — her commercial head mixed with astute strategic thinking and her ability to herd cats on a tight schedule.


Serious experience at small agency value

We take the serious strategic nous gained from working for global agencies on some of the world’s largest brands and combine this with cut-through creative genius honed through developing outstanding work for many of New Zealand’s best brands.

This means you receive big agency level of experience throughout the entire process -not just at the start - and at small agency value.

Importantly, with Saedi you will experience our shared sense of joy, curiosity and a genuine love for what we do.

How we work

We partner with our clients, working closely with people and brands who have the ambition to inspire the world to be a better place.

Based in Wellington, we have clients and colleagues all over the country. We love spending time with our clients at their place and work best with senior management delving into those scary, exciting ‘chrysalis’ moments when a brand needs to begin, be analysed, re-imagined and actively evolved into its new self.

What we do

Basically we do anything brand

Brand & Creative Strategy | Brand Management | Internal Engagement/Team culture strategy | Communication Strategy| Brand Experience | Customer journey mapping | Design | Creative Development | Ideas Generation | Design | Mentoring | Marketing strategy

External, in-house and collaboratively project by project

We can work as external brand practitioners or as ‘virtual’ in-house brand managers. As part of New Zealand’s collaborative creative network, brimming with diversity, we have access to the best independent talent there is, which enables us to tailor the perfect team for a project, as and when needed. This includes Maori, Pacific, Asian and gender specialists.

In other words, we make sure we put the best team in place to achieve your goals in a way that is both cost effective manner and an enjoyable experience.

Some of our work

What people say

  • Barnardos

    “We had got truly ‘stuck’ as we were working to develop our strategy for the next three years. Too close to the action and enmeshed in day to day challenges to see the wood from trees. Then along came Helen and Vic …they grasped our business and where we were at quickly, they built a rapport, they listened and learned, in return we learned and listened. With insights, some great techniques and gentle pushing we started to move! We now have Te Puāwaitanga our strategy for 21-24. We couldn’t have done that without them.”

    - Mike Munelley, CEO, Barnardos NZ

  • Primary Sector Council - PC Vision

    “Helen and Vic were an incredible team to work with. They are strategic thinkers and were committed to getting to the heart of our vision, strategy, and the desired impact, they were very much part of the team and provided a great depth of skill and knowledge. This wasn't just 'a bit of work' for Saedi, they believed in what we were trying to achieve and invested time and energy, their input was so valuable.“

    — Julia Jones, Head of Insight NZX, Member of the Primary Sector Council

  • Palliser Estate Wines

    “Hels and Vic as our brand curators have provided that extra element and expertise we required to refresh and premiumize our brand. They look at things from a different perspective, always ensuring our brand is at the forefront and that all we do remains on-brand. They are like one of our team who are truly invested in our success and they have played a huge part in our journey. Their work is incredibly beautiful and it’s been a delight working and getting to know this talented duo who have different but complimentary skills.”

    — Pip Goodwin, CEO, Palliser Estate Wines

  • New Zealand Geographic Board

    “Vic and Helen did a fantastic job engaging with us to define the elements of our identity and values. They used this as the foundation for developing our wonderful new brand.”

    — Anselm Haanen, Surveyor-General and Chair, New Zealand Geographic Board

  • New Zealand Geographic Board

    “We asked Helen and Vic, from Saedi Brand Curators, to work up a brand and positioning for the New Zealand Geographic Board – the authority behind New Zealand place names. They were a dream to work with. Responsive, great listeners and delivered beyond the brief. Their business model is the perfect mix of seasoned expertise with low overheads. So you get value and intuition. An intuition that ensures sound advice and results that are on point, with minimal reworking.”

    — Gaylene Hoskin, Project lead, New Zealand Geographic Board

  • Kono NZ TP - Tohu

    “Working with Saedi was a delight. Helen and Victoria’s invaluable experience, deep empathy and sheer talent shone through as we worked steadfastly to elevate our brands both domestically and internationally. Saedi were more than partners in strategy and design. They were trusted advisors who provided us with a framework for excellence and success.“

    — Rachel Taulelei, CEO Kono NZ LP