Over the last couple of years it has been such a pleasure working with the team at The Landing. Firstly working on the overarching brand strategy for the business and then bringing the new branding and thinking to life visually in The Landing wine brand.

The icon of three waka was inspired by Chris Bayley’s sculpture depicting the three waka that brought both his ancestors and those of The Landings custodian - Peter Cooper to Aotearoa arriving first in the Hokianga Harbour.

The waka honour those who have gone before us. The Landing itself is a special place in the Bay of Islands. From the residence, you can look down on a grassy field that leads to a beach. This piece of Land is where the second of Samuel Marsden’s missions once stood sitting between two Pa — the children at the mission school learnt both Te Reo and English - European and Māori together. This was the vision of Chiefs and Marsden and was quite possibly the crucible of modern day Aotearoa New Zealand. For us the waka also represent these three icons of New Zealand. The tuku tuku in the waka are the stars that helped them find their way to their new home, Aotearoa New Zealand.

It has been lovely to see the brand and icon woven into the design of the cellar door architecture and into the library of Britomart Hotel. The Landing wines give you a beautiful taste of a very spiritual place...

Love the team, Love the brand , love the place.


If you’d like to chat about branding strategy




The New Zealand Geographic Board